Our company, Transportaciones Industriales Gume, S.A. de C.V.; has as a policy the binational collaboration with the customs of the United States of North America, so that together, Customs, Commerce, Society and Association against terrorism, applying international standards of the Anti-Terrorism Secure Borders Program C-TPAT, facilitating Trade legitimate through strengthening the Export chain with Clients and Suppliers, ensuring the shipments of our products, as well as the consumption and/or commercialization that directly and indirectly involve our employees, suppliers and processes in our facilities.
It is our company's commitment to apply procedures and rules, information and training activities, with defined standards that ensure compliance with this policy.
Its objective is to safeguard the distribution chain, preventing international commercial movements from serving as a tool for terrorism and illegal trafficking.
It facilitates the customs clearance of merchandise through a specific lane for all companies registered with the CTPAT certification.
It offers knowledge and experience in the classification, packaging and transportation of cargo.